Three blasts rocked Mumbai's crowded Zaveri Bazar, Opera House and Dadar Kabootarkhana areas on Wednesday evening, killing 21 and injuring at least 141 people.
The first explosion took place at south Mumbai's Zaveri Bazaar, near the famous Mumbadevi temple, in which scores were injured, said Mumbai Police spokesperson Nisar Tamboli.
Mumbai was hit by three serial blasts in heavily populated areas during rush hour on Wednesday night. Confirmed details are scarce, but local television channels are reporting as many as 21 people killed and dozens, perhaps over 141, injured. Police so far have not made any clear announcements, and India's Home Ministry has confirmed only the obvious: that the coordinated, serial bomb blast was a terrorist attack. There is no word yet on who might be responsible or whether the blasts bear the imprint of local or foreign sources.